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Keyword search: town meeting 2023

Displaying articles 101 to 120 out of 167 total.

Town Meeting preview: Orford voters consider church building purchase
03-08-2023 2:44 PM

Article of note: A petitioned article asks whether voters will direct the Selectboard to consider purchasing the Orford Congregational Church building on Main Street at an amount to be determined by both parties.Contested races: There are no contested...

Town Meeting: Grantham OKs school budget
03-08-2023 1:02 PM

GRANTHAM — Voters approved the $10.79 million operating budget for the Grantham School District during Tuesday night.The town is scheduled to hold its Town Meeting on March 14 at 5:30 p.m. at the Grantham Town Hall, lower level, 300 Route 10 South.

Town Meeting: Hartland more than doubles funding for community nurse program
03-08-2023 9:01 AM


HARTLAND — In the first in-person Town Meeting at Damon Hall since 2020, Hartland voters approved all articles as warned in about 2½ hours.That included general fund and highway fund expenditures totaling $3.5 million. That is up nearly 7% from the...

Town Meeting: Longtime Norwich town clerk retiring after 30 years
03-07-2023 8:18 PM


For nearly 30 years, Norwich Town Clerk Bonnie Munday has issued dog licenses, recorded property transactions, handled election preparations and performed the other daily duties that come with the high-profile public office.As Munday, 65, heads into...

A Look Back: Food once a pivotal part of Town Meeting
03-07-2023 6:09 PM


Time was when the food served on Town Meeting day was nearly as important as things like the school budget, highway maintenance and a new fire truck when they came up for discussion and votes. Many Upper Valley Vermont towns and a few on the New...

Town Meeting: Sewer funding decision on hold, but pie doled out in Bethel
03-07-2023 5:06 PM


BETHEL — Bethel voters will have to wait to vote on a $2.5 million bond for capital improvements to the town’s water system. Initially scheduled to be decided by Australian ballot this Tuesday, the vote will now be non-binding, due to the town not...

Town Meeting preview: Five candidates vying for seat on Unity Selectboard 
03-06-2023 5:17 PM

Article of note: One article asks whether voters support changing South Slack Road from a Class V town-maintained road to a Class IV non-town maintained road.Contested races: There are five candidates for one three-year term on the Selectboard: Kelly...

Woodstock voters reject plan to appoint property assessors
03-05-2023 1:10 PM


WOODSTOCK — Voters who braved a snowy conditions to attend an in-person Town Meeting on Saturday morning rejected a plan to replace the town’s elected listers with professional property assessors.Of the 10 articles on the warning, none brought more...

Town Meeting preview: Veterans’ tax credit up for vote in Canaan
03-04-2023 6:04 PM

Articles of note: One article asks whether voters want to adopt a standard and optional veterans’ tax credit and an all veterans’ tax credit as allowed under recent legislation, RSA 72:28 and RSA 72:28-b. If adopted both would be set at $200 per year...

Annual voting preview: Five candidates vie for two school board seats in Claremont
03-04-2023 6:01 PM

Contested races: Three people are vying for two School Board seats with three-year terms: Nicholas Stone, Frank Sprague and Arlene Hawkins. Two people are competing for a one-year seat: Michael Petrin and Jennifer Gallagher.Budgets and spending...

Town Meeting preview: Gift to relocate town library before Cornish voters
03-04-2023 5:59 PM

Articles of note: One article on the school warrant asks whether voters support long-term tuition agreements between the Cornish School District and the Hartford, Windsor and Claremont school districts. One article on the town warrant asks whether the...

Town Meeting preview: Croydon voters to decide whether to support public meeting broadcasts
03-04-2023 5:59 PM

Article of note: A petitioned article on the town warrant, which is not recommended by the Selectboard, asks whether voters will support recording and live broadcasting all public meetings in town at a cost of up to $10,000.Contested races: There are...

Town Meeting preview: Public park on the Dorchester ballot
03-04-2023 5:58 PM

Articles of note: One article asks whether voters support changing a portion of Province Road from a Class V to a Class VI road. Other articles asks whether voters want the town to use a parcel located at 777 North Dorchester Road for a public park...

Town Meeting preview: Zoning changes on Enfield’s ballot
03-04-2023 5:57 PM

Articles of note: Voters will be asked whether they support six amendments to the town’s zoning ordinance. Another article asks whether voters support an optional property tax exemption for solar energy systems. A petitioned article asks whether...

Town Meeting preview: Three are running for a seat on Grafton’s Selectboard
03-04-2023 5:57 PM

Articles of note: The Selectboard recommends an article that would change the police chief’s position to an appointed post beginning in 2024. The board also recommends an article that would rescind an article from 2014 that gave the library trustees...

Town Meeting preview: Petitioned articles boost highway and fire department funds in Haverhill
03-04-2023 5:55 PM

Articles of note: A petitioned article to be voted on by paper ballot during the floor meeting asks whether voters will ask the Selectboard to remove Town Manager Brigette Codling. Two other petitioned articles on the town warrant, not supported by...

Annual voting preview: Kearsarge Regional School District's $51.1M budget on the ballot
03-04-2023 5:55 PM

Article of note: An article asks whether voters of the Kearsarge Regional School District, which includes the Upper Valley towns of New London and Springfield, N.H., will support the cost of a new agreement with the paraeducators association, which is...

Annual voting preview: City articles, four School Board seats on Lebanon's ballot
03-04-2023 5:53 PM

Articles of note: On the city ballot, Lebanon voters will be asked to consider replacing gender-specific pronouns from some sections of the City Charter and replacing them with gender-neutral pronouns. Voters also will be asked to consider four zoning...

Annual voting preview: New teachers contract is on the Mascoma ballot
03-04-2023 5:52 PM

Article of note: An article asks whether voters support the cost of a new teachers contract, which is $542,000 in the first year.Contested races: Suzanne Suttie and Tamara Cederman are facing off for the position of district treasurer.Budgets and...

Annual voting preview: Newport School District's $21.4M budget on the ballot
03-04-2023 5:50 PM

Contested races: There are no contested races.Budgets and spending articles: The proposed budget is $21.4 million, which is up from the $19.76 million that voters approved last year. The proposed budget includes the $333,000 cost of a one-year...

Displaying articles 101 to 120 out of 167 total.

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