Keyword search: town meeting 2023
SPRINGFIELD, N.H. — In ballot voting on Tuesday, Jeremiah E. Crosby bested George McCusker for a three-year term on the Selectboard, 116-101.
GRANTHAM — In ballot voting on Tuesday, G. Warren Kimball beat Erin Zagadailov for a three-year term on the Grantham Selectboard, 181-137.
CHARLESTOWN — In ballot voting on Tuesday, voters rejected petitioned articles that would have had the members of the Charlestown Fire Department elect the fire chief, 290-364, and that would have decreased the number of people on the Selectboard to...
GRAFTON — Residents remain at odds over what do about the Grafton Public Library after a proposal that would have allocated $210,000 for the first phase of a new library was narrowly defeated on Town Meeting Day.The 182-175 vote was later reaffirmed...
LYME — In Lyme’s floor meeting on Tuesday night, voters rejected a petitioned article that would have required the Selectboard to perform a “Full Statistical Revaluation” for the tax year 2024 to update appraised property values to more accurately...
PIERMONT — Voters at the Piermont School District’s annual floor meeting on Tuesday evening approved increasing the town’s current share of tuition costs, SAU 23 Administrative Assistant Dawn Burleson said.The measure, which had the support of...
UNITY — At a floor meeting on Saturday, voters rejected an article that would have changed South Slack Road from a Class V town-maintained road to a Class IV non-town maintained road.The paper ballot tally was 72 nos to 22 yeas. In other voting, they...
PLAINFIELD — In voting at Saturday’s floor meeting, voters approved all articles on the warrant.That included a measure to direct the Selectboard to appoint a committee to continue to study the town’s relationship with Kimball Union Academy in...
WOODSTOCK — At Woodstock Village’s annual meeting on Tuesday night, voters approved an article seeking to eliminate elected auditor positions and move into a contract with a public accountant or auditor’s firm for the village’s annual audit.The paper...
WINDSOR — The Windsor representative to the Mt. Ascutney School District Board who won a contested race on Town Meeting Day has retained her victory following a recount.The recount conducted Thursday in West Windsor by justices of the peace from the...
CROYDON — Avoiding a repeat of last year, voters here turned out in relatively large numbers Saturday to approve the annual school budget.But that doesn’t mean there weren’t a few proposals at the Croydon School District Meeting to alter the budget....
SPRINGFIELD, N.H. — During Saturday’s floor meeting, voters approved a municipal operating budget of $1.8 million.They also supported using $80,000 from the unreserved fund balance to purchase or retrofit a highway truck.Elections by ballot are...
CORNISH — In a Town Meeting that drew a standing-room-only crowd at the Cornish Elementary School gymnasium on Saturday, voters narrowly approved a petitioned article that clears the way for renovating the town’s former general store and making it the...
HAVERHILL — In the town floor meeting on Saturday afternoon, voters rejected three petitioned warrant articles, including one that would have recommended the removal of Haverhill Town Manager Brigette Codling, according to Town Clerk Christina...
DORCHESTER — Voters at Saturday’s floor Town Meeting approved using a parcel located at 777 North Dorchester Road for a public park and creating a capital reserve fund for cyber security. They added $4,000, to defray town charges, to the proposed...
ENFIELD — Voters decided against giving 10% of the land use change tax — not to exceed $5,000 — to the town’s Conservation Commission during the floor portion of Enfield Town Meeting on Saturday.The article failed, 92-61, in paper balloting.During a...
In 25 years of covering the Upper Valley, one of the most extraordinary public gatherings I’ve been to was the 2012 Bethel Town Meeting.Unhappy with how town officials handled the immediate aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene the previous year, voters...
Staff Report
CANAAN — In ballot voting on Tuesday, Canaan voters supported the adoption of an optional property tax exemption for solar energy systems, 303-211.A similar proposal had failed last year.Voters also approved a general fund budget of $4.64 million,...
CLAREMONT — Voters elected Frank Sprague and Arlene Hawkins to three-year terms on the Claremont School Board on Tuesday.Sprague received 515 votes and Hawkins received 417. Nicholas Stone was third with 408 votes. Jennifer Gallagher bested Michael...
Staff Report
CORNISH — In Australian ballot voting on Tuesday, Cornish voters supported three changes to the zoning ordinance.The changes include lifting the limit on the size of accessory dwelling units; adding bonding and insurance requirements; and allowing the...
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