Town Meeting: Charlestown voters reject plan for firefighters to elect chief

Published: 03-29-2023 10:14 AM

CHARLESTOWN — In ballot voting on Tuesday, voters rejected petitioned articles that would have had the members of the Charlestown Fire Department elect the fire chief, 290-364, and that would have decreased the number of people on the Selectboard to three, 324-347.

They approved an amendment to the town’s zoning ordinance that prohibits new manufactured housing parks, 423-157; and rejected another proposed zoning amendment that would have allowed multifamily housing as a permitted use by special exemption in Zone D and a permitted use in Zone E, 273-362.

Voters approved a municipal budget of $6.4 million, which includes an operating budget of $5.4 million, as well as $551,000 for water and $430,000 for sewer. 

Voters elected Nancy Houghton to a three-year term on the Selectboard. Houghton earned 485 votes to Trish Patrick’s 399. 

They also elected Patricia Chaffee to the post of town clerk/tax collected. Chaffee earned 421 votes to Peggy Jellie’s 255.

In a three-way race for two three-year seats on the Planning Board, voters elected Stacy A. Hassett and Alan D. Putnam, with 353 and 459 votes respectively. They bested Bill Rescsanski’s 239. 
