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Keyword search: Springfield NH

Death of lumber mill worker under investigation
09-30-2024 5:36 PM


SPRINGFIELD, N.H. — Safety officials are investigating the circumstances involving a 51-year-old man who was found deceased after he had been pinned under a dump bed in the early morning hours last Friday at a lumber mill in Springfield.The man, whose...

Displaying articles 1 to 10 out of 10 total.

Upper Valley voters go different ways on short-term rentals
03-18-2024 6:30 PM


ENFIELD — Upper Valley voters were divided on short-term rental ordinances during New Hampshire Town Meeting voting.During floor meetings Saturday, Enfield and Haverhill residents turned back short-term rental ordinances.Haverhill residents “postponed...

Springfield voters pass spending articles
03-18-2024 3:26 PM

SPRINGFIELD, N.H. — Voters approved all warrant articles unanimously at Saturday’s floor meeting.Among the items voters approved was an operating budget of $1.85 million; a separate article for $59,000, to come from the Unreserved Fund Balance, to...

Kearsarge school district voters approve budget
03-13-2024 4:06 PM

NEW LONDON — In ballot voting on Tuesday, Arthur Bobruff beat out George B. Foley for a three-year term representing Springfield on the Kearsarge Regional School District School Board.Voters also approved an operating budget of $54.3 million, as well...

Springfield, N.H., approves short-term rental rules; floor meeting set for Saturda
03-13-2024 12:46 PM

SPRINGFIELD — In ballot voting on Tuesday, Steven Duzbak won a two-year term on the Selectboard.He defeated George McCusker for the seat, 143-72.Also in ballot voting, voters supported an amendment to the town’s zoning ordinance relative to short-term...

Annual meeting preview: Kearsarge Regional School District
03-03-2024 11:23 AM

Articles of note: Separate articles on the warrant for the Kearsarge Regional School District, which includes the Upper Valley communities of New London and Springfield, seek $100,000 each for the School Buildings Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund and...

Town Meeting preview: Springfield
03-03-2024 10:37 AM

Articles of note: One floor article seeks to establish a Pleasant View Cemetery Expendable Trust Fund, which would be used to maintain cemetery lots in town. A ballot article seeks to amend the town’s zoning ordinance relative to short-term...

Town Meeting: Springfield, N.H. elects Selectboard member
03-29-2023 10:30 AM

SPRINGFIELD, N.H. — In ballot voting on Tuesday, Jeremiah E. Crosby bested George McCusker for a three-year term on the Selectboard, 116-101.

Town Meeting: Springfield N.H. voters approve budget
03-20-2023 11:08 AM

SPRINGFIELD, N.H. — During Saturday’s floor meeting, voters approved a municipal operating budget of $1.8 million.They also supported using $80,000 from the unreserved fund balance to purchase or retrofit a highway truck.Elections by ballot are...

Town Meeting preview: Two running for Springfield, N.H., Selectboard seat
03-13-2023 3:24 PM

Article of note: An article asks whether voters supporting using $80,000 from the unreserved fund balance to purchase or retrofit a highway truck.Contested races: Two people are vying for a three-year term on the Selectboard: George McCusker and...

Annual voting preview: Kearsarge Regional School District's $51.1M budget on the ballot
03-04-2023 5:55 PM

Article of note: An article asks whether voters of the Kearsarge Regional School District, which includes the Upper Valley towns of New London and Springfield, N.H., will support the cost of a new agreement with the paraeducators association, which is...

Displaying articles 1 to 10 out of 10 total.

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