Town Meeting preview: New London
Published: 03-03-2024 11:08 AM |
Articles of note: There are six zoning amendments on the ballot, including separate articles that would allow cluster developments, accessory dwelling units, small-scale planned unit developments and add short-term rentals to the definition of lodging house. A petitioned article would authorize a $900,000 bond to purchase the McEnrue Trust property, which abuts Whipple Hall and the Town Green. Another petitioned article would keep the police station where it is. One article would authorize the Selectboard to sell a 2.1-acre lot of town-owned land that is landlocked and abuts I-89 and the Sutton, N.H., town line. One article asks whether voters support renewing the lease of the Elkins Post Office to the U.S. Postal Service for five years beginning Jan. 1, 2025.
Contested races: Emma Phipps and Janet R. Kidder are vying for a three-year term on the Selectboard. Six people are running for three three-year terms on the Budget Committee: Peter C. Bianchi; Megan Brown; Karen Epstein; Bob Lyon, Ph.D; Travis Sniffen and John Tilley.
Budgets and spending articles: The proposed general operating budget is $1.87 million, up from $1.86 million this year. The proposed public safety budget is $2.94 million, up from $2.69 million this year. The proposed highway budget is $3.29 million, which is up from $3.1 million this year. The health and welfare budget is $301,000, up from $284,000 this year. The proposed recreation, culture and conservation budget is $1.03 million, up from $947,000 this year. The town is proposing to place $1 million in a capital reserve fund, which is up from $482,000 this year. An article, opposed by the Selectboard, but supported by the Budget Committee, would raise $30,000 from taxes for the Conservation Land Acquisition Capital Reserve Fund.
When, where and how to vote: Ballot voting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 12 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Whipple Memorial Town Hall. Town Meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 13 at 7 p.m. in the Kearsarge Learning Campus gym in New London.