Town Meeting preview: Enfield

Kimberly Withrow, a lieutenant on the Enfield Fire Department, speaks in favor of Article 8, on a bond to build a $7.2 million public safety facility, at the Enfield Town Meeting on Saturday, April 30, 2022, in Enfield, N.H. The article passed. (Valley News - Jennifer Hauck) Copyright Valley News. May not be reprinted or used online without permission. Send requests to Jennifer Hauck
Published: 03-03-2024 11:47 AM |
Article of note: One article asks whether voters support a short-term rental ordinance intended to regulate the use of such rentals in town and to provide oversight. Another article asks whether voters will allow the Selectboard to appoint a town treasurer. A petitioned article asks whether voters support allowing ballot voting on all issues on the second Tuesday of March. Another petitioned article asks whether the Pledge of Allegiance should be recited at the beginning of Enfield’s Town Meeting.
Contested races: Three people are competing for two three-year terms on the Selectboard: Michael Diehn, Alice Kennedy and Katherine “Kate” Plumbly Stewart.
Budgets and spending articles: The proposed budget is $9.4 million, with $270,500 to come from the unassigned fund balance. That’s up from last year’s proposal of $8.19 million. Separate warrant articles seek $600,000 for the Capital Improvement Program Capital Reserve Fund, with $553,000 to come from taxes; and $20,000 for the Police Recruitment & Retention Bonus Trust Fund, to come from the unassigned fund.
When, where and how to vote: Town elections will take place by ballot on Tuesday, March 12 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Enfield Community Building, 308 U.S. Route 4. The meeting will take place on Saturday, March 16 at 9 a.m. at the Enfield Elementary Village School, 271 U.S. Route 4.
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