Town Meeting preview: Croydon

Barbara and Jim Harding exit Town Meeting into the beginnings of a snow storm in Croydon, N.H., on Saturday, March 12, 2022. (Valley News - James M. Patterson) Copyright Valley News. May not be reprinted or used online without permission. Send requests to James M. Patterson
Published: 03-03-2024 11:54 AM |
Article of note: An article on the town warrant asks whether voters will authorize the Planning Board to review and approve or disapprove site plans for housing developments.
Contested races: Three people are running for two three-year positions on the Selectboard: Shawn Douglas, Susan Kimball and Edward Spiker. Aaron McKeon and Amanda Leslie are vying for a three-year seat on the School Board.
Budgets and spending articles: The proposed school budget is $1.84 million, up from last year’s proposal of $1.7 million. The proposed municipal budget is $695,000, which is up from last year’s proposal of $549,000. A separate municipal article asks whether voters support a $434,000 bond to pave Cash Street. Another article asks whether voters support a $239,000 project to replace the Bouldervale Road Bridge. Another article asks for $48,000 to add a top coat of paving to Croydon Brook Road. Also on the warrant is a plan to enter into a five-year lease for a new backhoe.
When, where and how to vote: Ballot voting will take place on Tuesday, March 12 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Croydon Town Hall, 879 NH Route 10. The in-person town meeting is Saturday, March 16 at 9 a.m. at town hall. The in-person school meeting is Saturday, March 16 at 1 p.m. at the Croydon Fire Department.