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Keyword search: town meeting 2023

Pomfret is latest Upper Valley town to shake up Town Meeting format
05-22-2023 11:00 AM


SOUTH POMFRET — In a special Town Meeting on Saturday morning, Pomfret voters opted to do away with the traditional in-person annual meeting in favor of Australian ballot voting.But in recognition of the meeting’s value, voters approved an amendment...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 166 total.

Town Meeting: Vershire budget passes, Emerald Ash Borer Fund request denied
05-23-2023 1:55 PM

VERSHIRE — Voters approved all warned articles, except one, in Town Meeting voting on Sunday.In a voice vote during the meeting held in-person at the Vershire Town Center building, voters rejected a requested appropriation of $5,000 for the Emerald...

Town Meeting preview: Vershire voters to gather for Sunday meeting
05-17-2023 12:26 PM

Article of note: In ballot voting on Sunday, voters will be asked whether to purchase a 2022 CAT backhoe that the town is currently leasing by converting the lease into a loan of five years or less. They also will be asked whether they want to...

Bethel voters agree to borrow to update water system
05-16-2023 5:51 AM

BETHEL – Bethel voters approved 117-8 a $2.5 million bond for capital improvements to the town’s water system at the polls last month. The vote was originally supposed to occur on Town Meeting day in March, but the town hadn’t met all statutory bond...

Pomfret voters to decide format of future Town Meetings
05-11-2023 12:17 PM

POMFRET — Pomfret has scheduled a special town meeting for next week to discuss the format of future town meetings.The special meeting is set for 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 20, in The Prosper Valley School multipurpose room, 1071 Pomfret Road.Questions...

Town Meeting: Oxbow warrant passes easily
05-11-2023 10:26 AM

BRADFORD, Vt. — A small turnout of voters in the Oxbow Unified Union School District approved an $18.4 million budget for the coming year at Tuesday night’s annual meeting.The 75 or so voters from Bradford and Newbury, the district’s two towns, also...

Longtime Hanover Selectboard chair gets budget win, but loses seat at Town Meeting
05-10-2023 10:01 PM


HANOVER — For Town Meeting on Tuesday, Selectboard Chairman Peter Christie had prepared, in his words, “a brilliant and insightful” presentation of the proposed operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year.But as the meeting approached 10 p.m. and...

Town Meeting: Newport voters approve spending items on ballot
05-10-2023 1:05 PM

NEWPORT — Newport said yes in Town Meeting ballot voting on Tuesday.Voters approved bonds for the town’s water and sewer systems, including $10 million that is part of a $23.5 million project to upgrade the town’s waste water treatment plant, 660-192;...

Hanover Town Meeting set for Tuesday, with tweaks to parking
05-08-2023 8:47 AM

HANOVER — Town officials are asking voters to park in the Hovey Lot, behind Hanover High School near the school track, for Town Meeting voting on Tuesday.Voters should use the Lebanon Street entrance to the rear of the high school facing the track,...

Town Meeting: Oxbow spending up with teacher contract
05-04-2023 8:59 AM


BRADFORD, Vt. — So far, this has been a straightforward year for approval of Vermont school budgets.With the state education fund providing more per pupil funding, many districts have been able to increase spending without corresponding tax rate...

Town Meeting: Newport voters to decide water and sewer bonds
05-02-2023 9:37 AM

Articles of note: Voters will be asked to approve two separate bonds for the town’s water and sewer systems. A $10 million bond is part of a $23.5 million project to upgrade the town’s waste water treatment plant. Another bond request for $573,000...

Mount Ascutney School Board appoints new member
04-24-2023 2:41 PM

WINDSOR — The Mount Ascutney School Board on Friday selected a new board member to represent Windsor on the two-town board that also includes West Windsor.The board appointed Megan Reed, a 39-year-old Windsor resident, for a one-year term in the seat...

Housing proposal leads warrant for Hanover Town Meeting
04-11-2023 8:04 PM


HANOVER — Hanover residents are concerned about a Town Meeting warrant article seeking to transfer 5 acres of town-owned land to developers for workforce housing, which could potentially be a larger project than what town officials proposed two years...

Mt. Ascutney School Board accepting applicants for vacant seat
04-07-2023 5:00 PM

WINDSOR — The Mt. Ascutney School Board is collecting applications for a new board member to represent Windsor on the two-town board that also includes West Windsor.The search comes after former board member Amy McMullen stepped down following...

Ballot mistake leads to special School Board election in Norwich
04-07-2023 4:20 PM


NORWICH — Town officials have announced a special meeting on May 2 for voters to elect two school board members, races for which were inadvertently left off Town Meeting ballots last month.Last week, the Norwich School Board authorized Town Clerk Lily...

Town Meeting: Newport voters to consider water and sewer bonds
04-07-2023 8:05 AM


NEWPORT — At the annual Town Meeting on May 9, voters will be asked to approve two bonds for the town’s water and sewer systems for projects to address a couple of long-standing problems.A $10 million bond authorization is part of an estimated $29...

Windsor election complaints lead to resignations by winner
03-31-2023 3:24 PM


WINDSOR — Amy McMullen, who won election to the Mt. Ascutney School Board on Town Meeting Day, has resigned her post on that board, her position as school clerk and her role as Windsor’s town clerk after facing criticism for being present at the polls...

Town Meeting: New London approves five zoning amendments 
03-29-2023 12:20 PM

NEW LONDON — In ballot voting on Tuesday, voters approved five zoning amendments. The amendments included: a clarification of the sign regulations; allowing electric vehicle charging stations by special exemption in the commercial zone; allowing for...

Town Meeting: Lyme elects two to School Board
03-29-2023 12:17 PM

LYME — In ballot voting on Tuesday, Leigh Prince and Kristen Roth were the top vote getters in a three-way race for two three-year terms on the School Board.They earned 276 and 309 votes, respectively, besting Darin Knaus, who earned 176 votes.In an...

Annual Meeting: Kearsarge voters approve budget and contract with paraeducators 
03-29-2023 12:14 PM

NEW LONDON — In ballot voting on Tuesday, voters of the Kearsarge Regional School District, which includes the Upper Valley towns of New London and Springfield, N.H., approved an operating budget of $51.1 million.They also approved a new agreement...

Town Meeting: Springfield, N.H. elects Selectboard member
03-29-2023 10:30 AM

SPRINGFIELD, N.H. — In ballot voting on Tuesday, Jeremiah E. Crosby bested George McCusker for a three-year term on the Selectboard, 116-101.

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 166 total.

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