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Study says COVID cut births in New Hampshire more than in any other state
06-12-2024 10:04 AM


The uncertainty caused by the arrival of COVID reduced births by a greater percentage in New Hampshire than any other state, according to estimates in a just-released study.The study by the Brookings Institution, based on data recently released by the...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 23 total.

Dartmouth Health ends COVID vaccination requirement for kidney transplants
01-17-2025 5:00 PM


Dartmouth Health will no longer require someone to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before receiving a kidney transplant, after the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office intervened on behalf of a patient.

Sunapee Selectboard cancels meeting due to COVID-19 outbreak
12-18-2023 4:29 PM

SUNAPEE — The Sunapee Selectboard canceled its planned Monday night meeting due to an outbreak of COVID-19 in the town office and an inability to have a quorum, according to a town news alert.The Selectboard will next meet on Jan. 8 at 6:30 p.m. for a...

Clinic aids long COVID sufferers
12-06-2023 3:39 AM


PLAINFIELD — One day in this past May, Susan Kahn, a 77-year-old Plainfield resident, was unable to get up.Her husband, Chris Rollins, called 911. She was unconscious with heart palpitations and says there were no Upper Valley cardiologists available...

Free walk-in vaccine clinic to be held in Woodstock on Dec. 11 
12-01-2023 2:47 PM

WOODSTOCK — The Thompson Center in Woodstock is scheduled to hold a free walk-in vaccine clinic on Monday, Dec. 11, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.The clinic is the first The Thompson is holding after the National Council on Aging awarded it a grant for the...

Dartmouth to host international vaccine conference
11-16-2023 3:41 PM

HANOVER — Dartmouth College is scheduled to host a first annual international vaccine conference next month. The conference on Dec. 6 is to focus on vaccines for COVID-19, tuberculosis, respiratory syncytial virus, HIV, polio and herpes.Organized by...

Vermont nonprofit offering vaccinations at home
11-07-2023 2:56 PM

WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Vermont nonprofit is offering vaccines at home for people of all ages who cannot otherwise access them. The Vermont Center of Independent Living announced the launch of the program in a Monday news release. The program is...

COVID-19 vaccines are available by appointment at DHMC
10-26-2023 12:18 PM

LEBANON — Vaccines to prevent serious illness from COVID-19 are available at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon.Appointments are required and can be scheduled online through or by calling 603-650-1818, according to the DH...

Free COVID tests, vaccinations are available
09-27-2023 9:54 AM

WEST LEBANON — As of Monday, U.S. households can order another round of four free rapid COVID-19 tests from the federal government.Orders can be placed online at The new COVID-19 booster shot also is now available at pharmacies in the...

Royalton Memorial Library shut down after COVID exposure
09-07-2023 10:15 PM

Staff Report SOUTH ROYALTON — The Royalton Memorial Library is closed for five days due to staff being exposed to a positive COVID-19 case and a lack of back-up coverage.The library, located at 23 Alexander Place in South Royalton, plans to reopen...

With COVID cases rising, APD implements mask rule for employees
08-10-2023 8:29 AM


LEBANON — Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital began requiring employees to wear masks again earlier this month, amid an increase in COVID-19 infections.“Patients and visitors will see the implementation of universal masking (masking at all times except...

Feds reimbursing Springfield Hospital $2.3M for COVID-19 expenses
06-27-2023 12:44 PM

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. — Springfield Hospital is slated to get more than $2.3 million in Federal Emergency Management Agency funds as reimbursement for personal protective equipment, medical supplies and contract labor related to the hospital’s response to...

Telehealth offerings continue at DHMC, elsewhere after COVID-era expansion
05-16-2023 5:37 PM


LEBANON — Even as the COVID-19 emergency has ended, Dartmouth Health continues to see as many as 700 outpatients a day via telehealth, which became vital for maintaining access to care during the pandemic, according to the medical director of...

DHMC researchers recruiting participants for long-term COVID study
04-19-2023 3:23 PM

LEBANON — A research team at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center is recruiting participants for a study of the long-term effects of COVID-19 on thinking skills and auditory processing in adults who developed and continue to have mental fatigue after...

Dartmouth no longer requires COVID vaccinations
04-12-2023 1:45 PM

HANOVER — As of Tuesday, Dartmouth College no longer requires students and employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or to have an approved exemption, according to a Tuesday update from the college’s provost and executive vice president.The college...

DHMC, others to drop mask requirements
04-06-2023 4:46 PM


LEBANON — Masks are coming off within days at several health care facilities across the Upper Valley.As of Monday, April 10, masks will be optional for people at Dartmouth Health facilities who don’t have respiratory symptoms, according to DH’s...

NH wastewater data for COVID surveillance is online
01-15-2023 9:12 PM


NEWPORT — Three days a week, one of the two operators of Newport’s wastewater treatment system pull samples from the effluent that’s treated there.The samples, which are composites collected over a 24-hour period, then go to either to the New...

Widespread COVID forces some Upper Valley schools to close
01-10-2022 9:42 PM


Multiple Upper Valley schools will be closed this week, some of them for multiple days, because of rising numbers of COVID-19 cases among staff and students.Schools in the Orange East Supervisory Union including Thetford Elementary, Bradford...

Families of two Dartmouth students who died by suicide speak out, seek answers
06-01-2021 12:21 PM


Dartmouth College freshman Elizabeth Reimer received an email May 19 from an assistant dean warning her of a looming deadline for a non-recording grade option. The administrator explained that she could withdraw from the course, a first-year seminar,...

Upper Valley slaughterhouses rise to meat demand during pandemic
05-23-2020 9:06 PM


Kacey Knight says she typically hears two kinds of reactions from people when they learn she’s a supervisor on the “kill floor” at Vermont Packinghouse slaughterhouse in North Springfield, Vt.“It’s either ‘Oh, really?’ or ‘I don’t want hear about...

Column: High school hallways may be a danger zone
05-14-2020 10:10 PM


Every year for 25 years I spent 189 days inside a school building. That’s 4,725 days, according to my calculator. So I’m familiar with the territory. That’s why I’m concerned about bringing students back to school when the COVID-19 shutdowns finally...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 23 total.

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