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Keyword search: Simon Pearce

Private equity firm acquires stake in Simon Pearce
12-04-2024 6:03 PM


WINDSOR — Simon Pearce has entered into a “strategic partnership” with a California private equity firm, a move the renowned glassware designer said will provide it with a financial foundation to expand its business while avoiding the pitfalls that...

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Hartford OKs plans for damaged Quechee dam and covered bridge; public asked to stay away
07-19-2023 4:02 PM


WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — The Hartford Selectboard has approved two plans of action concerning the covered bridge and the dam located on the Ottauquechee River near Simon Pearce — which both sustained damage during last week’s flooding. At an emergency...

Hartford Selectboard set to discuss emergency dam repairs
07-18-2023 12:41 PM

WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — The Hartford Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon to discuss recommended emergency repairs at Quechee dam, which sustained damage during last week’s flooding. Hartford officials have asked pedestrians to...

Simon Pearce buys Parker House in Quechee
01-18-2020 8:53 PM


QUECHEE — The Parker House has come home again.Simon Pearce — the Vermont glassware and pottery maker and restaurateur — has purchased Parker House inn, the restaurant and bed and breakfast adjacent to its showroom and restaurant on Quechee Main...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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