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Keyword search: Sharon VT

Displaying articles 41 to 46 out of 46 total.

Sharon board considers forming school renovation committee
01-11-2023 8:29 PM


SHARON — The School Board is seeking community input on a potential renovation and addition to Sharon Elementary School.At its meeting on Tuesday, the three-member board will vote on whether to form a committee of residents and other community...

A warm reception
01-03-2023 2:16 PM

South Royalton Mexican eatery rises from the ashes of burned-down food stand
11-27-2022 5:22 AM


SOUTH ROYALTON — When one opportunity burns down, another rises in its place — or at least that was the case for Dan Sherburne and his crew at Carlita’s Cantina, the new Mexican restaurant on Chelsea Street that opened for business last week.On May...

Vermont State Police: Minor passenger killed in I-89 crash in Sharon
11-21-2022 3:37 PM

Staff Report

SHARON — A child died Thursday afternoon when the Chevrolet Suburban they were riding in drifted into rock ledges in the median on southbound Interstate 89 in Sharon, according to a news release from the Vermont State Police.The impact against the...

Victims speak at sentencing of ex-South Royalton principal who secretly recorded them
01-23-2020 11:52 AM


WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A teenage girl stood at the podium in Windsor Superior Court on Wednesday morning and in a shaky voice recalled the moment she learned a former South Royalton School principal had been secretly recording her at his house.“It’s a...

Return of the Native Elm
05-22-2016 10:00 PM

By Nicola Smith

After World War II, Dutch elm disease began its decimation of the American elm, a tree that was the glory of hundreds of Main Streets in the Northeastern and Midwestern U.S. At the same time, it also affected the American elm’s lesser-known cousin,...

Displaying articles 41 to 46 out of 46 total.

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