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Theater Review: It’s a good bet ‘Ripcord’ will make you laugh
05-22-2024 4:04 PM


Between college dorm living and the house shares that are often part and parcel of a person’s 20s, tales of unsuitable roommates abound in most friend groups.Shaker Bridge Theatre’s production of “Ripcord,” up through May 26 in the Briggs Opera House,...

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

Theater Review: Shaker Bridge’s ‘The Minutes’ illustrates value of unvarnished truth
03-12-2024 6:01 PM


Having spent untold hours in selectboard and city council meeting rooms around the Upper Valley, I’ve often joked that it would be more fun to write about the meetings held in them as if they were theater, rather than just the mostly humdrum work of...

Theater Review: Shaker Bridge’s ‘The Cake’ juggles humor and pain
01-31-2024 9:00 PM


Oscar Wilde wrote in his play “A Woman of No Importance” that “after a good dinner, one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations.” Replace “dinner” with “dessert,” and you’ve nailed down the sentiment of Shaker Bridge Theatre’s newest showpiece,...

Art Notes: Theater company feeling forced out of Briggs Opera House
03-29-2023 4:57 PM


WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — Last summer, as JAG Productions was preparing for its second year of Theater on the Hill at King Arthur Baking Co., Jarvis Antonio Green said he could envision a physical home for the company he started.“I’m not the only...

Shaker Bridge Theatre moving to WRJ from Enfield
03-23-2023 6:06 AM


Before he founded Shaker Bridge Theatre, in 2007, Bill Coons had picked out the sailboat on which he planned to retire.Instead, he put his retirement money into starting a small theater company, from which he didn’t draw a paycheck for the first five...

Stage review: Getting to the ‘Truth’ behind the ‘truth’
03-10-2023 11:22 PM


Renowned essayist John D’Agata’s new piece is set to move the world. Its 15 pages portray the life and death of a Las Vegas boy who died by suicide. All it needs is a glance at the names and dates.Pushing against the weight of the world, fact-checking...

Arts Review: ‘The Niceties’ puts racial, generational divide on display
01-27-2023 9:07 PM


Set in a professor’s office at an elite Northeast university, The Niceties displays racial and generational conflicts through a brave student and her pressure-hardened history professor. This play is not for the faint of pacemaker. Directed by Grant...

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

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