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196-unit apartment complex being proposed at former mill, Kleen site in Lebanon
09-21-2022 1:23 AM


LEBANON — The Lebanon Planning Board will consider a proposal to create a 196-unit apartment complex at the former Kleen laundry facility and dry cleaner business on Mechanic Street, which project developers say will help address the region’s housing...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

Irving Oil plans to rebuild gas station shuttered for a decade
06-22-2022 3:03 PM


WEST LEBANON — More than 12 years after it closed its Route 12A gas station, Irving Oil has submitted an ambitious plan to redevelop the derelict site with a large gas station and convenience store.If completed, the project would rehabilitate a...

Bottom Line: Tunbridge may soon go from no general stores to two
01-29-2022 7:47 PM


The small-town general store is hardly thought to be a growth industry. The business in recent years, in both Vermont and New Hampshire, has been marked by closings and abandonments.In few Upper Valley towns was this more evident than in Tunbridge,...

Bottom Line: Sharon general store being sold to Vermont convenience chain
01-04-2020 10:40 PM


It is, White River Valley residents attest, a small country store. And yet, as an august statesman said of another beloved local institution, there are those who love it.Sharon residents are talking about the Sharon Trading Post, the general store and...

Dry cleaner to open store in former Kleen site in Hanover
07-02-2019 5:24 PM


HANOVER — The dry spell in Upper Valley dry cleaning should soon be over.New London Cleaners will replace the former Kleen dry cleaners on Lebanon Street in Hanover across from the Black Family Visual Arts Center, filling the need for a dry cleaner...

Kleen commercial laundry closing Lebanon operation
06-26-2019 11:01 AM


LEBANON — Laundry service Kleen, which earlier this month closed its dry cleaning stores, will also shut down its commercial laundry service Friday, ending more than a century in Lebanon, leaving hospitals scrambling to find a replacement to process...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

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