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Keyword search: John Treadwell

Judge rules Newport man who is suspect in WRJ hotel shooting is incompetent to stand trial
03-01-2023 12:37 PM

WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Newport man charged with shooting a hotel guest in White River Junction won’t stand trial at this time due to his mental health. A judge in the case had previously said in court that the defendant in the case, Nathan-Mikheal...

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Bethel man to register as sex offender, serve 18 months in prison
08-30-2023 3:54 PM

WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Bethel man will serve 18 months in prison and be required to complete sex offender treatment and register as a sex offender under a sentence handed down in court after he pleaded guilty to a charge of lewd and lascivious...

Weathersfield man’s sex assault case tossed before trial over withheld evidence
02-23-2023 7:10 PM


WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Vermont judge tossed out a criminal case charging a Weathersfield man with sexual assault against a juvenile, ruling from the bench on the eve before the five-year-old case was to begin trial that the state prosecutor withheld...

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