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Vermont issues burn ban following weekend fires
10-28-2024 8:00 PM


BARNARD — After several brush fires across Vermont, including ones in the Upper Valley, that destroyed dozens of acres over the weekend, the state’s Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation issued a ban on debris burning on Monday.In Barnard,...

Displaying articles 1 to 11 out of 11 total.

Out & About: East Barnard Linen Fair part of company’s effort to bring back flax
08-30-2024 7:01 PM


EAST BARNARD — Flax might best be known for its use in creating linen, a lightweight fabric popular for clothing.But what those unfamiliar with the crop might not know is that flax also is prevalent in everyday items, from rope to car panels to...

At a full boil
03-19-2024 4:27 PM

Barnard voters approve funding to expand road crew
03-06-2024 1:48 PM

BARNARD — At Town Meeting on Tuesday, voters added $120,000 to the town budget for a fourth road crew member.The motion to amend the budget was made by James Lancaster and seconded by Ed Jodice, according to minutes from the meeting.The addition...

Town Meeting preview: Barnard to consider restoring library windows
02-25-2024 11:57 AM

Article of note: Voters will be asked to approve $16,500 for the restoration of 13 original windows on the main floor of the Danforth Library.Contested races: Town officers, including a three-year Selectboard seat, will be elected by ballot.Budgets...

Annual meeting preview: Mountain Views School Distrct to decide $99 million school bond
02-25-2024 11:29 AM

Article of note: Voters will decide the fate of a $99 million bond to finance the construction of a new union middle/high school, athletic fields and related outbuildings, as well as the demolition of the old middle/high school.Contested races: School...

Out & About: Barnard event offers glimpse into life during WWII
08-20-2023 12:31 AM


EAST BARNARD — The first edition of The East Barnard Grange News “might be called the birth of a new idea,” a note from editor Donald Westbrook began.It was February 1943, and the United States had been involved in World War II for just over a...

Photos: Steeple repair in Barnard
07-20-2023 11:25 PM

Staff Report

The First Universalist Church and Society of Barnard was formed in 1802 and built its first meetinghouse two years later in 1804. When that building was converted for use as a school and other purposes, a new meetinghouse was built in 1844. Only four...

Painting for the Lord
06-23-2023 9:57 PM

Town Meeting: After Barnard affirms union, resident seeks divorce
03-10-2023 11:18 PM


BARNARD — For most of Barnard’s Town Meeting, the hour required to dispatch the town’s business breezed by uneventfully as it does almost every year. Familiar names were reelected by voice vote to town boards, positions and commissions and the...

Town Meeting preview: Applying surplus to reduce property taxes is before Barnard voters
02-28-2023 3:53 PM

Article of note: One article asks voters whether to apply a $200,000 surplus from the year ending June 30, 2022 to reduce property taxes for the fiscal year 2024.Contested races: Voting for officers is from the floor.Budgets and spending...

Vermonters learn how to ice fish at Barnard’s Silver Lake
01-30-2023 10:05 AM


The northern pike, pumpkinseed, and large- and small-mouth bass resting idly at the bottom of Silver Lake could not have anticipated the barrage of would-be ice fishermen that gathered above them on the slushy-covered frozen surface Saturday...

Displaying articles 1 to 11 out of 11 total.

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