Town Meeting: Vershire budget passes, Emerald Ash Borer Fund request denied

Published: 05-23-2023 1:55 PM

VERSHIRE — Voters approved all warned articles, except one, in Town Meeting voting on Sunday.

In a voice vote during the meeting held in-person at the Vershire Town Center building, voters rejected a requested appropriation of $5,000 for the Emerald Ash Borer Fund, according to Assistant Town Clerk Alison Towle.

By ballot, they reelected Nicole White-Fogarty to a three-year term on the Selectboard in an uncontested race.

They also approved an operating budget of $335,000 and a highway budget of $430,000. Other approved articles include the purchase of a 2022 CAT backhoe and an appropriation of $67,000 for the Vershire Fire and Rescue.


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