Valley News Forum for Sept. 22, 2023: Buddy will be missed

Published: 09-29-2023 6:12 AM

Buddy will be missed

The news of the death of Buddy Teevens brought a flood of tears along with memories of a great coach with the Midas touch of coaching hard while being a person who raised up men who understood what it meant to be a first-class person on and off the field. His true win/loss record resides in the lives of “his boys.”

Buddy was first and foremost a great husband and father — being a great coach was the cherry on top!

Our hearts are broken, but we are confident that Buddy would be exhorting us all to dust ourselves off, clear the snow from the D on the field this winter and go out there and give it our best, just as he and his family always have done.

Go Green!

Karen Blum


Article on Dartmouth student was sensationalist

I found your Sept. 16 article “Court records: Authorities drop charges against Dartmouth student who had been accused in armed robbery” smacking of sensationalistic journalism, not worthy of the column inches provided, nor the front-page headline. Your reporter seemed to insinuate that some back room dealing may have occurred in order to clear the student of the charges, yet offered no evidence of such. And the prominent front-page headline looked like a warning to the Dartmouth student body to steer clear of this person. For all your reporter knows, this all could have been a case of mistaken identity, or the student had a verifiable alibi which wasn’t known earlier.

It’s unfortunate that the authorities involved may not be able to legally reveal the information which led to the dismissal of charges, but until this paper knows otherwise it is extremely unfair to this student and his family to treat him as if he must be guilty of something. I feel certain that if this was anyone other than a Dartmouth student, the article wouldn’t never have been printed.

Stephen D. Raymond


PragerU decision ignores the will of NH residents

Last Thursday’s New Hampshire State Board of Education vote was a perfect example of a ‘‘let them eat cake” type of moment where raw power in politics ignores the will and voice of the people. The vast majority of our children, some 130,000-plus, attend public community schools with licensed educators and a locally elected school board that certifies graduation credits. Only 32 students participated in the education commissioner’s “Learn everywhere program” last year.

Despite overwhelming opposition throughout the state, letters to newspapers and legislators, and the testimony of an overflow crowd of citizens at the state board hearing, the board voted unanimously to accept PragerU’s ‘edu-tainment’ series of videos for financial literacy. This is a program developed not by trained financial advisers or educators but by a right-wing talk host who wants to change minds by presenting misinformation and promoting a far-right agenda. Now local school boards will be required to accept this video series from PragerU for local graduation credit. This vote robbed our children of a quality financial literacy program and legitimizes this highly political PragerU with a New Hampshire Department of Education endorsement.

The state board and commissioner of education are Sununu appointees, not elected officials. They have one boss and do not answer to the public at large. They have become agents for the far right and Free State Project to dismantle our public institutions with a laser focus on our community public schools. Next November remember how your voice was ignored. Ask all the candidates for governor if they will appoint a commissioner and board of education that will support and promote our community public schools not destroy them.

Linda Tanner

Georges Mills

state representative, Sullivan 5 — Sunapee, Springfield