Arts & Life

Displaying articles 381 to 382 out of 382 total.

Why Loons Migrate to the Ocean

04-11-2016 11:55 PM

By Tiffany Soukup

Why Loons Migrate to the Ocean- When I was a child, I looked forward to spending summers with my grandmother at our family cottage on a Canadian lake. Every year, as soon as I was out of the car, we would run to the point to look and listen for loons. As an adult, I still watch...

Beacons of Freedom

04-08-2016 10:00 PM

By Nicola Smith

Beacons of Freedom- There are few eras in American history as shrouded in myth as the Underground Railroad, with its imagery of whites and blacks together forging a path to free African-Americans from slavery, women and men crossing rivers chased by baying hounds, or...

Displaying articles 381 to 382 out of 382 total.
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